Since 1956.

Today, the Tulsa Trail Riders, with its 100% volunteer membership, maintains and operates the Scipio Trails area. A 2500 acre multi-use trails facility 3.5 miles west of Scipio, Ok.
If you enjoy trail riding, maintaining trail or even hosting off-road motorcycle events you are encouraged to join the Tulsa Trail Riders and become a member of the World’s BEST Off-Road Motorcycle Club.
Monthly Meetings
Join us for our monthly meetings where we discuss upcoming events, trail rides, and more.
Trail maintenance
Build and shape the trail you want to ride! Help keep the pride of TTR looking great by spending time doing what you can at Scipio.
Whether you'd like to help promote and host a race or compete in one (or both), as a TTR member, you'll be plugged in to the local race scene.
Trail Access
As a TTR member, you can expand your trail riding options with unlimited access to the Scipio trail system & limited access to the Zink Ranch.
Make life-long connections with fellow racers and enthusiasts whether it be at meetings, ride trips, work days, or at the races!
As a member, your membership dues, effort, and general interest is a fantastic way to help support the motorsports industry and community.

Become a member today!
In less than 5 minutes, you can become a TTR member for an annual cost of $100 Gain access to all of the listed benefits and opportunities and help support this club in its ongoing effort to maintain the facility, improve the local riding community, and enjoy the great outdoors.
35.1° N, 96.0° W
Located in Southeastern Oklahoma, Scipio Recreational Trails is home-base for the Tulsa Trail Riders. Featuring a 30 +/- mile trail loop consisting of single and two track through the woods. Each year, Scipio is host to one round of the Black Jack Enduro Circuit where racers from the region come to compete and enjoy the top-notch trails, scenic views, and high quality campgrounds. The park remains open year-round to members with the purchase of an annual TTR Membership.
Camping is permitted to TTR members who wish to stay overnight. The following amenities are available onsite: water station, power (near the large parking area), restrooms, and picnic tables under the pavilion.
UTV’s or 4×4 trucks are NOT permitted on the property for recreational use. No vehicle wider than 50″ will fit through the entry portal.
Kids loop – there is a designated kids loop straight east of the pavilion about 50 yards. Its about a 3/4 mile loop.
All trails are one way only. If you need to get back to the parking area please proceed to the next crossing or sighting and take the road back. Be aware that there will be occasional traffic from oil field workers.
Please do not litter. If you come across any litter please pick it up.
In 1956 a group of off-road motorcycle enthusiasts living in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area formed the Tulsa Trail Riders Motorcycle Club. The club was established to promote off-road motorcycling by providing a place and the opportunity for supervised competitive events, trail rides, practice and family camp-outs.
The Tulsa Trail Riders have hosted, promoted and volunteered at hundreds of events over the years ranging from Poker runs, Enduros (NEPG, BJEC, AHRMA etc.), Hare Scrambles (OCCRA, OHSCS, etc), and A.M.A. National Events. The Tulsa Trail Riders even hosted the prestigious 1994 International Six Days Enduro (ISDE) at John Zink Ranch. In 2004, the Tulsa Trail Riders hosted the 8th Annual Leroy Winters Memorial ISDT Reunion Ride, in conjunction with the 10th Anniversary of the 1994 ISDE. The club continued hosting the ISDT Reunion events in 2009, 11, 13, and 2014.
The Tulsa Trail Riders were one of the founding members of the Black Jack Enduro Circuit (BJEC) which covers a four state area (Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas). The club holds an A.M.A. charter and is recognized throughout the off-road motorcycle world as a leader in race organization, promotion and efficiency.

Steve Travis
President, TTR
ISDE Team USA 1993-1994

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